Wedding Photo List

Photo List for Groups - Advice for the Bride & Groom

Your wedding day may be only a few days away or even a year out, but it is never too late to organize. When you meet with your photographer, they may or may not request a photo list. In order to make your life and theirs easier and more time efficient, make a photo list. You will be glad you did. I have a blank printed list that I provide to my Brides that is broken down by groups, estimated times, and location for group photos. Even if your wedding party is small, the different combinations of photographs can be quite large.

Most photographers want to meet with you and your wedding planner (if you have one) at least a couple of weeks or closer to your wedding day. A photo list should be completed and given to your photographer and planner at this meeting.

When completing this list use descriptive names such as “Charles Smith, Brides Uncle” instead of “Uncle Charlie”. “Jenny Anderson, Groom's Cousin” instead of “Jen”. This will help the person to be photographed to know exactly who you are asking for and is easier to find if they have stepped away. By arranging the list by times and locations, your photographer will be able to move quickly through the shots you want and not leave anyone out who might get their feeling hurt.


Make a Timeline